History of Mohyals-- part 2 - BALI's
BALIS True to tradition, common to all denominations of Mohyals, the origin of Balis is shrouded in an invisible antiquity. The great theologian Rishi Parashar, grandson of Rishi Vasishtha and the guru of Surya-vanshis, was the progenitor of the clan. When did the Balis first appear on the scene of life is not readily discernible but there are indications that their kiths lived in formidable number in Mullan. before the dawn of the Christian era. From there they migrated to West Rajasthan, Sind and Gujarat. A brahmin community known as Mohel, originating from Mullan, has ruled over Bikaner. Multan was famous for its Sun Temple and in those days. its improtance ranked with that of the holy city of Mathura. According to Tod, Multan is a corrupt form of the name Mohel-sthan. The ancestors of Balis, under the pseudonyms of Bala, Kathi and Raos (of Thatta) fought a savage war with Alexander the Great near Multan in 326 Be. They decimated his army and killed his ace general...